As a unit of the only land grant university in Texas, the S.M. Tracy Herbarium is in a unique position to offer Texas’ landowners a personalized service which will enhance the owner’s ecological understanding of their land through a targeted floristic inventory. Regardless of individual management objectives, one of the first steps to effective management is to know what you have to manage. Once a baseline assessment is completed, effective strategies can be established, and subsequently implemented, to achieve the landowner’s goals.
The faculty, staff, and students associated with the S.M. Tracy Herbarium have developed a program to collect, identify, and assess the floral (plant) resources on public and private lands throughout the state. Through repeated (seasonal) on-site visits, and utilization of the extensive collections and associated scientific resources housed at the herbarium, final project reports will provide participating landowners with a detailed account of the plants encountered on their property. This list will include not only the names of the plants, but additional information which will aid in the development of an overall picture of the landscape.
Sample Report for Floristic Inventories
The link above is to a sample report which illustrates the type of information contained in a typical Floristic Report prepared by the herbarium team. Reports can be customized, based on the needs of individual landowners, within the scope of the herbarium team’s expertise.
If you are interested in participating or would just like to discuss your interest in the program, contact either the Director or the Curator to schedule an appointment.